LayoutHTTPHeader allows you to specify a URI that can
be used to display headers that will be used across all
content. Keep in mind that URI's, while being being regular
content are not documents that are meant to be
displayed on the web.
<VirtualHost www.foo.com:80>
LayoutHTTPHeader /fullheader.cgi
A simple perl script example:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Quick script to go straight to CSV
# Brian Aker (brian@tangent.org)
use strict;
print "Author: Brian Aker\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
Known Problems
By overriding Apache's headers you do risk the chance that
if Apache had something important to say you are going to
miss it. Also, dinking up the HTTP headers can leave you
with pages that do not display.